Solidworks Simulation Treat As Sheet Metal

In this tutorial video we will learn how to create a bracket with the help of sheet metal commands like base flange sketched bend and sheet metal gusset.
Solidworks simulation treat as sheet metal. This can be accomplished by creating a new model constructed with sheet metal features base flange edge flange miter flange etc or an existing solid body can be converted into a sheet metal body by using the convert to sheet metal and insert bends features. Innova systems experts in solidworks training support 4 123 views. When you run a simulation on a part created with the sheet metal tools it automatically converts it over to a shell element body 2d as it s significantly faster to run. Solidworks offers a suite of simulation packages that enable you to set up virtual real world environments so you can test your product designs before manufa.
Meshing sheet metal parts in solidworks simulation duration. In this tutorial video i will sketch self cutting sheet metal screw 4x20mm with anti theft fixing head in solidworks with the help of sketch and feature t. You also have the option to first treat sheet metals as solid bodies and then convert manually selected solid faces to shells. The definition of this shell mesh should pull the thickness from the sheet metal definition but i always verify it just in case.
Solidworks sheet metal entities. Accessing and using help. You cannot modify the thickness. You can select the type of a mesh contour plot that becomes visible after meshing in the new dialog box default options plot mesh plot.