Space Between Siding And Ground

Where flashing is used provisions shall be made to permit circulation of air in the air space.
Space between siding and ground. Flashings shall be installed when the air space is less than 6 inches 152 mm in width. For your painting company to call. I ve watched many a this old house where they recommended at least 8 clearance between any kind of siding and ground level. Eventually it became an enclosed space with the stairs leading down to the basement and then to the above floors.
Wood siding stucco vinyl brick all siding should ideally have at least 6 to 8 inches clearance above the ground. A 2 inch wide 51 mm air space shall be provided between the planter and the wall. 2 inch wide 51 mm air space shall be provided between the plant er and the wall. 10 if they re doing any work where they have to clear it anyway.
If the adjacent ground is concrete such as part of a patio or a sidewalk it still requires the same clearance as bare earth. In most cases siding clearance should be about 6 8 from the ground. Wood siding sheathing and wall framing on the exterior of a building having a clearance of less than 6 inches 152 mm from the ground or less than 2 inches 51 mm measured vertically from concrete steps porch slabs patio slabs and similar horizontal surfaces exposed to the weather. Any clearance is better than none.
Think i ve proved my case knowing you must have a clearance of air space between siding and ground thus allowing it to breath and dry out. Inexpensive and simple to do sealing your siding only requires a little time to locate the cracks. Excerpts from james hardie s guide confirm that the importance of maintaining adequate clearance between siding and the ground pertains to all siding materials. In this article we re going to explain the minimum distance between siding and grade for each type of material.
The fellow left plenty of space between the vinyl and the ground but what s the below the siding on an addition without a concrete foundation seems to be untreated wood. By sealing gaps in your walls and siding you can successfully secure your home from outdoor pests. 6. If it s done improperly the siding may be too close to the ground which will invite insects pests and other types of damage.
My house has an addition that used to be an outdoor porch and staircase presumably. Prior to this vinyl installation the home was painted. The side of my shop wall and part of the sill 2x4 was rotted out over only a few years when i didn t notice a minor land slide had covered the bottom 3 of the siding. Flashings shall be installed when the air space is less than 6 inches 152 mm in width.
Holes occur over time when seals crack around plumbing fixtures on your siding allowing mice entrance into your home.