Spaceclaim Sheet Metal Tutorial

Working through each of the tutorials will allow you to quickly grasp the basics of using spaceclaim.
Spaceclaim sheet metal tutorial. Although dsms big brother spaceclaim has specific tools for sheet metal work pretty much the same work can be done in dsm albeit with a little more effort. 3 converting solids to sheet metal. 5 repairing sheet metal parts. Here are 5 common ways that companies that manufacture sheet metal parts are using spaceclaim.
Use help press f1 to check out our help documentation complete with animations to show you how our tools work. 2 orient a scan mesh stl to world origin. 2 sheet metal basics part 2. 1 sheet metal basics part 1.
1 selection tips techniques for stl mesh. Spaceclaim 3d printing prep tutorials. Tutorials and demos are available on the spaceclaim web site. 3 build a solid by sketching over a scan stl.
A tutorial on advanced sheet metal tools which strengthen parts and reduce the cost of manufacturing. Step by step tutorials are also available in this help file. 5 repairing sheet metal parts friday 18 november 2011. Spaceclaim engineer includes an assortment of self paced tutorials and model libraries to help you get up to speed at your own pace and on your own schedule.
Spaceclaim reverse engineering tutorials. 4 hinges tabs and double walls. We strongly recommend that newcomers to 3d design run through the tutorials. From the repair of corrupt geometry optimization and unfoldin.
Spaceclaim sheet metal tutorials.