Square Root Of 289 By Repeated Subtraction Method

The count of odd numbers used in this process will give the square root of the number n.
Square root of 289 by repeated subtraction method. Find the square root of the number 144 using repeated subtraction method. In this article we will learn how to find the square root of a number through repeated subtraction. Let us consider another example to find the square root of 81 by repeated subtraction. 80 3 77.
32 15 17. Let us find the square root of 81 by repeated subtraction method. Find square root of 9 by repeated subtraction method. Square root of 81 by repeated subtraction.
77 5 72. Therefore 3 is the square root of 9 or we can also write it as. 65 9 56 56 11 45. Square root of 100.
We will use this fact to find the square root of a number by repeated subtraction. 5 5 0 as you can see that given number 9 was repeatedly subtracted by successive odd numbers starting from 1 and we get zero in third step. Square root by repeated subtraction. 81 1 80.
Square root of 169 is 13. 100 1 99 99 3 96 96 5 91 91 7 84 84 9 75 75 11 64 64 13 51 51 15 36 36 17 19 19 19 0 to find the square root we subtract successive odd numbers from the number till we obtain 0. 45 13 32. There are several methods for the same.
View answer for each of the following find the least number that must be added so that the resulting number is a perfect square. 8 3 5 step 3. Sum of the first n odd natural numbers is equal to n 2. As explained in property 4 of square numbers and the square number is the sum of successive odd numbers starting from 1 and you can find square root of a number by repeatedly subtracting successive odd numbers which is also starting from 1 from the given square number till you get zero.
Find the square root of 169 by repeated subtraction method 2 see answers arshbbcommander arshbbcommander 169 1 168 168 3 165 165 5 160 160 7 153 153 9 144 144 11 133 133 13 120 120 15 105 105 17 88 88 19 69 69 21 48 48 23 25 25 25 0 since it is compeletly subtracted at 13th time. 17 17 0. We know that the sum of the first n odd natural numbers is n 2. 9 1 8 step 2.