Stairway Roof Fire Rating

The slope of the test specimen is preselected and since steeper slopes are more of a challenge due to melting material feeding the fire the rating applies to the maximum slope passed.
Stairway roof fire rating. Ver tical exit enclosur es les s than f our stor ies shall be 1 hour f ire resistance rated. On this building the ibc allows for a rated lid as long as it matches the rating of the vertical walls ibc 2009 section 708 12. Stairs terminating at the level of a setback shall. Certified 1 hour fire rating.
Vertical exit enclosures four stories or mor e shall be 2 hour fire resistance rat ed. In buildings four or more stories or more than 40 feet 12 192 mm in height above grade one stairway shall extend to the roof surface through a stairway bulkhead complying with section 1509 2 unless the roof has a slope steeper than 20 degrees 0 35 rad access to setback roof areas may be through a door or window opening to the roof. National gypsum company fire and sound selector ul type designation product name 5 16 gold bondfsw brand fire shield gypsum board 5 8 gold bond brand fire shield gypsum board type x 5 8 gold bond brand fire shield exterior soffit board type x 5 8 gold bond brand hi abuse xp fire shield gypsum board type x 5 8 gold bond brand hi impact xp fire shield. What i found is still somewhat inconclusive.
These listings are short summaries to serve as a. 6 usg fire resistant assemblies test certiļ¬cation test conditions and fire and sound tested assemblies listed in this selector are based on characteristics properties and performance certificationof materials and systems obtained under controlled test conditions as set forth in the appropriate astm standard in effect at the time of test. Can you rate the ceiling or lid of a stair or elevator enclosure thus avoiding the expense and complication of taking the rated walls to the bottom of the roof. Bilco roof hatches provide safe and convenient access to roof areas by means of an interior ladder ship stair or service stair.
The maximum flame spread is 6 feet for a class a rated roof 8 feet for class b and 13 feet for class c. Openings in the roof shall not be located within 4 feet 1220 mm of the fire wall. The number of stories shall be co mp uted as al l f loor lev els i ncludi ng bas ements but ex cludi ng mezzan ines. Bessler be 119 series one hour fire rated wood attic stairs 350 lb capacity this patent pending stairway model meets the international builders code and complies with astm e 119 fire code.