Sub Floor Construction Details

Subflooring provides a base for finish flooring and also serves as a platform during construction.
Sub floor construction details. The subfloor is the foundation beneath finish flooring materials. Rather the reader is referred to the aisi standard for cold formed steel framing prescriptive method for one and two family dwellings aisi 2001 for guidance. If you have a concrete slab floor the slab may be considered the subfloor. It may be made of boards laid either at right angles or diagonally across joists.
Beam and joist arrangements can form a supporting frame for a floor. Although cold formed steel framing for floor systems also is permitted by the irc it is not covered here. Typically made of plywood or osb and ranging in thickness from 19 32 to 1 1 8 thick the subfloor is truly structural second only to joists in this respect. The subfloor is the bottom most layer and it rests on the joists.
Joists are typically shorter and lay across the beams to give them horizontal support. During this video we will identify key installation practices th. In basements and in homes with slab on grade foundations the subfloor may simply be a concrete slab. Good subfloor construction depends on material selection and attention to critical details.
Beams are thicker and longer and are laid vertically.