Per asce 7 the mean roof height h is defined as the average of the roof eave height and the height to the highest point on the roof surface except that for roof angles of less than or equal to 10 the mean roof height is permitted to be taken as the roof eave height. Ch10 minimum height of pressure head the minimum height difference between the roof gutter level and the discharge pit must be at least 2 0 metres unless supporting calculations showing a hydraulic grade line for the 1 in 100 year ari storm event indicates that the system can drain to the street with a 300mm free board to the gutter line. According to professor kara s lecture on early christian and byzantine architecture the height difference between the nave roof and the isle roof in an early roman basilica was used for clerestory windows according to professor kara s lecture on early christian and byzantine architecture in roman religious buildings the atrium accommodated gatherings before services.
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