Thermally Sprayed Ceramic Coatings As Friction Surfaces Of Brake Rotors

Eb2016 mds 021 thermally sprayed ceramic coatings as friction surfaces of brake rotors 1popa septimiu 1gadow rainer 2schirmerflorian 1university stuttgart institute for manufacturing technologies of ceramic components and composites allmandring 7b stuttgart d 70569 germany.
Thermally sprayed ceramic coatings as friction surfaces of brake rotors. Gadow r popa s killinger a. San ford and jain 8 and blau et al. Popa s gadow r killinger a. Uniform and stable friction movement 3.
2017 thermal spray ceramic coatings as friction surfaces of brake rotors. Typical thickness of 0 003 to 0 030 hard ceramic coating materials. Eds 8th international munich chassis symposium 2017. A lightweight brake rotor has been developed based on a metal matrix composite mmc disc.
This exposes a ring of steel where the brake pad and the brake rotor meet. Can be ground to a 15 20 µin ra surface finish or superfinished to 5 µin ra. Thermal sprayed ceramic coatings for brake rotors provide the ability to individually tailor brake properties while reducing brake disc wear corrosion and brake particulate emissions in the present project the lightweight potential is used for a braking concept in which ceramic high performance coatings are applied to steel and light alloys. Coatings typically have a 150 microinch ra as sprayed finish.
2019 lightweight brake rotors with thermally sprayed ceramic coatings as friction surfaces. When the rotor is used on the vehicle for the first time the layer of geomet over the braking surface is easily rubbed away by friction. This paper discusses optimisation of the spray material and sprayed coating. Request pdf on jan 1 2019 rainer gadow and others published lightweight brake rotors with thermally sprayed ceramic coatings as friction surfaces find read and cite all the research you.
Very dense to porous depending on application requirements. Cite this paper as. Cite this paper as. Thermal spray coatings used to enhance thermal productivity of the systems to increase the working temperature and to improve corrosion oxidization or wear behavior 4 5 provide a good engineering ap proach for surface compound characteristics 6 7.